Wednesday, December 31, 2008

and then there were blisters ...

so i know i have been lame and not updated this, but the truth is there isn't that much exciting stuff happening in my training right now. i am following a sort-of hybrid schedule between the beginner and intermediate schedule but i find it almost impossible to just do the 3-4 miles on the days that it says just do 3 miles or 4 miles. i have to change my mentality from when i used to run which is that i cannot ever run less mileage than i did on a previous day. so instead ive been running 5-6 miles every day. which isn't the worst, but i'm worried i will get injured if i try to push myself too hard. so far everything seems to be holding up except my feet. i've never had any problems with my feet before, but i think that's because normally i put those like gel insert thingees in my shoes and with the shoes i have now i haven't done that. maybe time to start looking into that. the other thing i'm reminded of is that being a runner because you have the worst feet ever! i hate everything about feet anyways and now i am getting blisters in the most bizarre places and its painful and not too pleasant to look at. i guess its a good thing i'm training in the north where no one sees your feet for months at a time. of course, in florida i sort of stick out now. no flip flops for me.

so anyways, that's the latest. can't wait to get back to the 15ยบ weather! whoooo!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

    Take Auntie with you.

    Good Luck,
