Tuesday, January 6, 2009

test #1

ok so tonight we had our first test for the timed mile on the lower loop in central park.

i haven't run in a week.

the last time i ran it was 80º in la florida.

in new york it was 34º (feels like 25º) annnd on the last loop it started to rain. so ran at 34º folks is quiiiite chilly! originally i was only going to do 2 loops which is 3.4 miles but then a couple of people id met before like literally made me do another loop. i was like, 'nahh im good' and theyre like, 'nahh you're not' so i did the 3rd lap for 5.1 miles. i mean, lets be honest, its not that i couldnt do it -- bc i obviously did -- i was just lazy. hahaha

so what was my mile time? 8:38, 8:30something, 9:20. pretty decent. especially the 8:38 one. i never run that well the first mile. also, i was pumped bc my total time for the 3.4 loop was 28:00 and the last 5k i ran (3.1 miles) i did in 30:28. so yeee im definitely improving my times. now i just need to start improving my distance.

we're run a 5-miler on saturday and then probably the bronx half-marathon in feb (8). the fun thing about running is that everyone wants to know about it. i mean, when i was just running just to be in shape nobody gave a hoot but now that im training for a marathon people are always asking me about it, so its super nice. also im sort of a sicko in that i like doing the type of training we were doing tonight in intervals like that because it just feels sooo good to run slow after youve been running hard yanno. same thing with hills. we start hill training next week and while im sort of dreading it, im also (secretly) excited because #1 i know that hill training is really going to help me and #2 i love the part after you run up a hill where you get to run on a flat surface and it feels so easy. hahaha. i always do that on the treadmill too -- i run on an incline until its too much and then i take off the incline and its like smoooth sailing.

so, the only thing that SUCKED ROYALLY about tonight was during the last mile it started to rain. and yeah, it wasn't blinding rain or anything but when youre running any amount of rain feels like a lot, and did i mention it was freeezing!?? so then i get to the subway i am completely soaked, im sitting in wet running clothes on a train that is being held REPEATEDLY and i get home like i am going to take the most scalding shower of my life and OF COURSE the hot water cuts out halfway. WHAT THE FUUUUU.


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