Saturday, January 10, 2009

fred lebow 5-miler

Bridget and me after the Fred Lebow 5-miler in central park.

OMG sooo cold afterwards. it was 24º and the snow held off, but good god it was cold -- but the cold only hits you after you stop running.

i think its getting easier to run these races now that i kind of have an idea about the layout of central park. its always easier to run when you know where you are.

id say we finished in about 50 minutes. i dont know for sure because i dont know how far in to the start i actually crossed the start line ... but after the first mile it said i was at 14:46 and i know there's no way it took me more than 10 minutes to run the first mile, the 2nd mile was at like 24:00, 3rd at 34:00, 4th at 45:00, and 5th at 56:00. So i'd say 50 or 51:00.

Again I started way in the back and without bridget but after the first mile i saw her up ahead .. she tricked me though because she was without her hat this time. hahaha. but so we ran the rest together.

the only part that sucks is this one hill -- cat hill -- its always at the end, its from like e 75ish up a couple blocks. in terms of hills i've run, its really not that bad -- compared, specifically to the hill at the end of the turkey trot, it's nothing -- but i just hate hills that are sort of gradually rising. i prefer steep inclines over shorter distances --- like the bridges on the causeway.

anyways, we start hill training tuesday so i'm sure i will learn to love 'em. :)

ps. in other news:
to the man forcing his 6 yr old son to run a 5-mile race in 20º weather in SHORTS .... even AS he is crying, "IT HURTS SO BAD" and you say, "It doesnt hurt" ... stop being a d-bag!!

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