Tuesday, February 24, 2009

...back in the swing of things

ok so i just got back from a little 4-miler by my house. i wish the tuesday night group practices weren't at 6:40. why can't they be at 4? lol. i know most people have to work till 5, or God Forbid (!) 6, so I understand why its that time, but it just seems silly to wait around till 640 when i could be done by, 620. which is when i was finished tonight. 

good Lord its cold. come on FEBRUARY! give me some warm weather. i made the mistake of not wearing gloves or my rockin' head band so my ears are hurting, my hands are numb and my nose is running (haha, which really doesn't have anything to do with anything except that i want to complain about the cold some mo'). 

i am buckling down for the next 6 weeks (yes i still have 2 months to train, but 6 weeks till another vacaaay hahaha) and I am determined to raise this money and run this marathon. 

if you've ever raised money for anything or run anything, please leave me a comment or email me @ kimlarge@mac.com with suggestions. other than harrassing my friends i'm running low on ideas. 



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