Sunday, February 22, 2009

the best xtraining week ever.

wheeww boy its been a minute.

i have been out of town for the past 3 weekends. first weekend in florida, last 2 weekends in costa rica. this has been throwing my marathon training for a loop .. as well as my fundraising. i really need to pull it together so im refocusing my energy now. between teaching, taking 3 grad school classes and training for and raising money for a marathon i'm a litttttle overwhelmed but something about idle hands and the devil and yada yada yada.

so last week i was in costa rica. i love costa rica. i will move there some day. a problem in costa rica, especially when you're in the mountains, is that you have to walk EVERYWHERE up huge mountains. and not just like a steep incline, but like, a steep incline up a mud / rock hill where you just might (if you're realllllly lucky) have the immense pleasure of sticking your foot in a foot of mud, wherein you pull your leg back up and your foot comes out of your shoe and said shoe is wedged in the mud. yummmmmm. it was awesome. here's a picture:

I'm not really sure if you can tell by this picture, but that is just a straight up climb. my knees cracked with every step (yes, i'm like 100 years old) and that went on for about an hour. on the way back down, yes i did fall on my butt, thanks for asking. it was equally awesome. my running shoes (i know i know i shouldnt have been doing this with running shoes) now are almost completely and utterly covered in mud from costa rica. my own little souvenir.

The other loveeely aspect of travelling in central america is that they dont really believe in toilet seats. or throwing toilet paper in the toilet, but thats a different story. so there's a lot of squatting involved. hahahaha. that might have just reached the point of TMI but i need to stress just howww much i was working on my marathon training all week!! :)

PS. i HATE cold weather. hate hate hate hate hate. how do people live their whole lives like this? no wonder people up north are so angry all the time!!


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