Saturday, March 14, 2009

NYRR 8000 M

last night's fundraiser was successful! i mean, it would've had to have been no matter what considering it cost me and bridget nothing to do, so even if one person came we made money. but we made about $155/each off the wristbands plus another $55 in cash benjamins from people so we each made about $210 yesterday which was definitely exciting!! my new fundraising minimum is $2600 so that puts me at about $1500 (which is not registering on my fundraising page yet so don't be alarmed). 

after drinking a ridiculous amount from 4-7, i somehow got peer pressured into going to japanese, which was a good thing because otherwise i probably would have just gone home and gone to sleep and not been fit to run this morning. as it happens, i went to bed by 10:00, and despite waking up every hour from 3am on -- thinking it was time to wake up and being alarmed that my head hurt too much -- i got up at 7am and got to the race EARLY (as in, i didn't arrive as people were already crossing the start line). 

i didn't know what time we crossed the start but at mile 1 we were at 14:40. from that mile on i was running about 9:50/mile, until i got to the last stretch. cat hill .. you knowww. which really wasn't as bad as i remembered it but it was still not easy. 

i probably could've shaved another 30 seconds off my overall time had i known where the actual finish line was, but it was a lot sooner than i thought. i crossed at 54:04 and when i checked my pace turns out i was running a 9:57/mile pace. WHOOO!!! FINALLY!! it's ABOUT TIME!! i mean, i know it was only 5 miles, but still, i have been enraged by have 10:something paces. 

also, i am going to write a letter to NYRR about their water stations. i mean, WTF!! i get sooo enraged every single time. 
#1 - why is the cup sooo big. 
#2 - why is it SOOO filled with water. 
#3 - why do people STOP AND WALK to drink there water (see #1&2 for possible explanations). 

it is enraging. believe me, i have run many many races. in FLORIDA. where an intense amount of water probably IS necessary. even in florida though the cup is tiny and you have about as much water in it that you can swallow in one gulp. this allows people to not stop to drink it and its just a much wiser idea. 

i get pissed every time at these freakin races. 

also, when i see a child who looks about he weighs all of 80 lbs... like he is actually skin and bones ... start to walk and then hear is mom behind me, "don't walk yet, its only the first mile!" and then watch her as she runs up on him and encourages him to keep running .. i mean, it enrages me. i dont care if you have seen your kid run 20 miles without stopping so you know he can do it .. if he wants to walk, let him walk. quite frankly he should be walking to go get a milkshake (or 5) to put some weight on him. 

thanks again to everyone who came out and supported us last night!!!! you guys are awesome!!!

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