Saturday, March 7, 2009


oh GREAT. 

you know im not a person who employs foul language, um, ever. but right now its about that time. 

in order to get my masters from Lehman college, i have to take comprehensive exam, in spanish, on 4 out of 6 predetermined questions (ie: "El Romancero gitano de Federico Garcia Lorca se caracteriza por una feliz combinación de tradición y novedad. Apoyándose en ejemplos concretos, identifique qué aspectos del libro tienen que ver con distintos momentos de la historia literaria española o universal, y qué otros aspectod están relacionados con las vanguardias.") So it involves a LOT of pre-exam research and of course you cant bring any of that with you to the test. its on ONE saturday (ONLY) during the semester and its five hours. 12-5. you cannot take it in the summer. you cannot take it if you are not registered for any classes. my last opportunity to take it is THIS semester. i JUST got an email from the advisor telling me that date. any guesses?anyone?

yep. april 25 aka the date of the country music marathon. 



i am beyond pissed! its just sooo frustrating. 

that's all for now. 

the fundraiser is still on though. be there. 

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